Vicki Ostendorf
Founder | Triathlon Coach | Run Coach | Personal Trainer
Credentials: NASM CPT, CKTT, IM Certified Coach, RRCA Coach, Certified MFR Therapy
As a coach, I see things in each individual that they don’t necessarily see about themselves….it is my goal to allow everyone to realize their potential then, provide the coaching and support to get there!
Professional History
I graduated from UW - LaCrosse with a degree in Corporate Fitness and Minors in both Business and Coaching. I spent 4 years playing outfield for the women’s fast-pitch softball team in LaCrosse. Shortly after graduating, I realized I really loved torturing individuals on an ongoing basis, so personal training seemed to be the perfect fit. I've been doing it ever since! Learn more about Vicki's professional history and why she started Tri Fitness here.
Fun Facts About Vicki
If you are going to dare me, be ready.
I like to win!
Everyone should live by: “Work hard, play harder.”
I will cheer for the Packers even if they are losing.
Scroll to meet our other amazing staff!
Jack Zahn
Personal Trainer | Run Coach
Credentials: NASM CPT, B.S. in Kinesiology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
I am a believer in evidence-based and research proven forms of exercise, I don’t get caught up in fads. Fitness goals take hard work and patience to achieve, but I am there to help you complete them! You work hard, and I will work hard to make sure your goals are accomplished.
Professional History
Professional History: I graduated recently from the University of Minnesota (Go Gophers!) with a degree in Kinesiology. At the University of Minnesota, I interned with the football team in athletic medicine. Through my studies, I found that I enjoy the fine details of movement and exercise, so personal training was a perfect fit. I have experience in small and large group classes, one-on-one personal training, and corporate wellness. I enjoy running and strength training as my favorite forms of exercise (fall is my favorite time of year to run outside).
Fun Facts About Jack
My middle name is Daniel, so yes.. I am Jack Daniel.
I enjoy watching the Packers play and win.
I lived in upstate New York for two years.