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Open Water Tips + Tricks

Open Water Tips and Tricks

Build your confidence in the water


What if my goggles fill up with water? What if someone kicks me? How do I smoothly enter the water? How can I improve my breathing? If there are parts of open water swimming that cause you concern (or downright fear), Open Water Tips and Tricks is for you! If you are a triathlete, we promise we have some tricks up our sleeve that will help you in your open-water swims!


Topics you'll learn: 

- Entry and exit

- Building efficiency (strokes, breathing, etc.) 

- "What if" moments

- How to manage (crowds, contact, etc.)

- Much more!


What to bring:

- Goggles

- Swim cap 

- Wetsuit (optional)

- Swimsuit/ tri kit 

- Towel


When | July 27th @ 9:30am-11:30am

Where | Square Lake - Stillwater, MN


Cost | $45


If you'd like to learn even more about open-water swimming from us, check out our most popular triathlon training resource: Tri Club

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